Saturday, March 12, 2016

Welcome to our Year 4 Blog for 2016

What a great start to the year , the students are enthusiastic about their learning and already very settled into Year 4 !

We are very excitedly getting ready for St Patrick's Day this Thursday , which will begin with Mass at 9.15am , followed by an Irish Dancing display and  remember to bring some money to buy at the Cake Stall.
( All money is going to Caritas - Project Compassion )

We are also preparing for the Holy Week re-enactment on Thursday 24th March at 11.30am . The students in year 4 will be presenting the events of Holy Thursday where Jesus is arrested in the Garden and denied by his friend Peter.

Unfortunately we are still awaiting a few website and photography permission notes which will enable us to post photos on the website .
Hopefully we will be able to begin uploading some photos soon .
We are looking forward to a great year ahead which has certainly begun very positively 👏👏😀