Maritime Museum -By Oscar Deman
Last Friday year 4 on the 6th of May went to the Maritime museum to begin our topic on Australian explorers. We left schools at nine fifteen and travelled there by bus.
When we arrived there we all quickly had a small lunch break. Once we had all finished our lunch we were divided up into 4 groups my tour guide was a lady called Zena.
First we went into the museum. Zena told us about how the king of Holland wanted spices,silver and gold. He wanted the spices because someone told home that's if you put spices on your food it wouldn't go stale as quickly. So he sent out a man called William Janz to go look for those things. One day he set out on a small boat hoping to find some land then all of a sudden he collided with Western Australia. Of course he had know idea what it was called so he decided to call it New Holland. Next he got out of the boat and went ashore, he had a look around but he didn't see any buildings or civilization. What he did see was the aboriginals but they seemed to be walking away. There was no spices, no silver and no gold so William Janz went on his merry way back to Holland.
Next Zena told us about Indigenous people. She showed us a canoe it was so small it was barely big enough to fit me and another year 4 student. She told us that they put hard clay on the bottom of it like a tile. They used it light fires so that they could cook fish, stay warm and they could use it for light. She also told us that the aboriginals have been living on this earth for approximately 120,000 years!
One day the Macassans also known as the Indonesians were traveling and landed on one of the beaches in Australia. They didn't really see anything important but they did see lots and lots of sea cucumbers. So they got their baskets and started collecting them. While they were doing so the aboriginals were painting a picture of them.
Later the Dutch and the Portuguese had a argument about who discovered Australia. The Portuguese said they had, but they didn't have any proof but the Dutch had the drawing. But the real truth is that the Aboriginal People discovered Australia.
These are some of the main reasons why Captain Cook and 93 others went on the Endeavour. All the gentlemen wanted to discover more about Australian flora ( flowers or plants) and fauna (animals) and much more wildlife. They also wanted to see the transit of Venus across the sun so they could learn more about Astronomy and navigation. Captain Cook was sent by King George to discover the great southern land and the East Coast of Australia.
After being in the museum for an hour we were finally going on the Endeavour. First we went to the front of the ship. We saw a hole where everyone did their business. But Captain Cook did his in a bucket. There was a ugly bit of rope for toilet paper.
Then we went below the ship we first saw where everyone ate then we went into the kitchen. There was a barrel of meat drowned in salty water to prevent it from going stale.
Next to that was a barrel of sauerkraut no one on the ship wanted to eat it. So Captain cook said only I can eat the sauerkraut that made everyone else on the ship want to eat it. The sauerkraut prevented everyone from getting scurvy.
Then we saw the cat o nine tails if someone was naughty they would get whipped nine times.
I hope anyone who has read this recount is now considering going to the Maritime museum.