Wednesday, August 3, 2016

     The Planetarium & The Planets By MONICA

On the 29th of July 2016, Year 4 Blue went on an incursion to the Planetarium. The incursion took place at 9:00am in the school hall.

Firstly we walked to the school hall and took off our shoes. Then we crawled into the dome and sat and listened to our instructor Geoff talk about space. Now here is some info about the solar system, stars, the planets and more interesting space information.

The sun is known as a huge,flaming ball of gas. Although that is only compared to the planets that we know of. There is a star called Antares and Antares is a red star. Antares is 64 million times bigger than not the earth but the sun. There is another star called Betelgeuse which could also fit 64 million suns in it.

Most stars are a lot bigger than the sun but the stars are much farther away from Earth than the sun so from our view. The sun is bigger. The sun is mainly composed of helium and hydrogen. The sun’s gravitational pull is what makes all of the planets orbit around it. It is also what gives gravity to all the planets. The sun was formed 4.7 billion years ago.

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It is also the smallest planet. Although it is the closest to the sun it is not the hottest because the atmosphere does not retain the heat which makes Venus, the second planet from the sun, the hottest because Venus’ atmosphere retains the heat. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system and its colour is a light shade of brown. It takes Mercury 88 days to orbit the sun.

As explained above, Venus is the second planet from the sun and its atmosphere retains the heat, so Venus is the hottest planet. Venus is a terrestrial or rocky planet and mainly composed of silicate rock and metal. Venus is coloured a light shade of orange. Venus orbits the sun every 224.7 earth days. It is the second brightest object in the night sky after the moon.

Earth is a terrestrial planet and it has a nickname which is The Goldilocks Planet. Now that's enough about Earth, we live here.

The 4th planet from the sun is none other than Mars. Mars is a terrestrial planet and it is often referred as the red planet because of its reddish colour. It is reddish because of the rust and the rust is because of the iron oxide. Mars has a thin atmosphere.

The 5th planet from the sun is Jupiter. Jupiter has the biggest planetary mass in The Solar System. Well, of course excluding the sun. Jupiter is a gas giant along with Saturn. It is mainly composed of hydrogen, although a quarter of its mass is helium. Jupiter is the third brightest object in the night sky, after the moon and Venus.

The 6th planet from the sun is Saturn. Saturn is the 2nd largest planet after Jupiter. It is a gas giant. Saturn is named after the Roman God of Agriculture.

The 7th planet from the sun is Uranus. Uranus is an ice giant. It cannot be seen by the naked eye and was the first planet to be seen by a telescope. It was discovered in 1781 by William Herschel. Its degrees plummets to -224 Celsius which is its minimum temperature.

The 8th and farthest planet from the sun is Neptune. It has the 3rd most planetary mass in the solar system. It is only slightly bigger than its twin Uranus.

Pluto is not a real planet, it is a dwarf planet and it was discovered in the 1930s and made a dwarf planet because it is too small.

Constellations are groups of stars that make an object. For example, if I were to go outside in summer at approximately 7:00pm you would see the constellations of The Summer Night Sky. There are lots of different constellations in both The Summer and Winter Night Skies.

Stars are objects in the solar system that you probably think are smaller than The Sun. This is where you are wrong. Most Stars could fit about 60 million Suns in them but The Stars are much farther away from The Earth than the sun, so from our view the sun is bigger but up in space the stars are a lot bigger.

Fun Fact - All of the stars are different colours.

Conclusion - I hope that from this report you have learnt a lot about The Solar System and The Stars. I also hope that this report has inspired you to take your own space risk and find out about Space. It could only be going to The Planetarium or just looking at The Night Sky. Either way I would definitely recommend The Planetarium, it is the best space experience and Geoff our Space Instructor taught us more about the Solar System than we could have ever learnt on our own !

The End

Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Planetarium

  By Daniel Rudd

On the 29th of July Year 4 got to experience what it's like to see the stars from all different views. We had been learning about Night and Day/ Spinning in Space for two weeks, so we knew a bit already.


At 9:30, Year 4 Blue and I went off to the hall to enter a new Galaxy of Learning.


When we arrived, we took off our school shoes, putting them against the wall in pairs. We then walked into the part of the hall which was the music room from Monday to Thursday in single file.


When we arrived in the music room we saw, to our immense surprise, a big blow up dome with a part popping out. We then met the Planetarium expert, Geoff, who asked us not to touch the Dome but to sit down in front of him. He told us a few rules to remember before sending us off into the Dome.


When we were seated inside the Dome, the tension was almost unbearable. Finally, Geoff turned off the lights and fixed a cylinder into a gadget so that the stars and galaxies turned on. He then zoomed in on one of the galaxies, in this case the Milky Way Galaxy, so close that we could see earth. He then started explaining how the earth rotates which causes day and night. He then told us how the Moon orbits the Earth and the Earth orbits the Sun which sounds very complex to the ear.


When he had finished telling Year 4 Blue about this he told us how the Sun is one of the many stars in our galaxy, although it is the only star in our Solar System.

Geoff then told Year 4 Blue about the moon, including how the moon is always there except it has a day and night side (we only can see the day side). This usually would only cause the effect of one shape but the Earth does rotate while the moon orbits it so we have a crescent moon which curves in the outline of a semi circle. There’s also a full moon, which is when we can only see the day side of the moon, which makes it full to our site. There are others, but these are the main ones.


He then went on to tell us about waxing and waning moons. A waxing moon is a moon that’s in the transformation from the crescent to the full moon. And the waning is a moon descending in size from full to crescent. 


He then got onto the topic of Solar Systems - which we learnt are made when a planet circles a star, in our case the sun. He had us well and truly engaged by this point. We also learnt that there are over 30,000 other solar systems in our galaxy and most of these have been discovered in the 21st century.


Then someone called out asking why is a planet called a planet. He replied by saying it’s because planets move or wander and in another language it means ‘the wanderer’.


After this Geoff told us a very interesting fact - we live in a large galaxy called the Milky Way. This was very interesting because we can see the Milky Way from Earth, I certainly thought meant it must be another galaxy. 


After this, we came to the most exciting part of the whole incursion … we learnt about the constellations in the sky.

To demonstrate, Geoff projected a picture whichhad dot to dots of many things, like centaurs and people from children’s novels. These he told us were dot to dot using the stars made thousands of years ago by ancient Greeks.


He told us what he had projected was from a winters night sky at 7 o’clock. He then told us we were going to have a challenge - he showed us three winter constellations with the dot to dot lines in place and then changed the projector so that there were no dot to dot lines and asked us to see if we could find the dot to dot constellations from winter. We all applied ourselves to the challenge. Geoff told us that the three winter constellations we were looking for were a centaur, a scorpion and the Southern Cross.  


Jeff then gave tips on how we could remember the shapes of these constellations. The first one, the centaur, was holding a bow and had a quiver with arrows on his back. The bow was cocked. Jeff told us that when we were looking for the centaur, to look for three stars in a curved line which would be the bow.


The next one was the Southern Cross, which is on the Australian flag. This constellation is found in the Southern Hemisphere only and is pointing south. He told that in order to find this you look either for the two pointers (which are bright) or a tight knit group of stars forming a cross.


The final constellation was Scorpia, the Scorpion. The way to spot this constellation is to look for an S in the sky. Naturally this will be Scorpia


Geoff then changed the projector so we were looking at the winter's night stars normally and asked us to find the southern cross. We all found it no problems and he couldn’t suppress a smile at our speed. 


After this, he asked us to find the centaur. We remembered him telling us to look for the curved line of stars. We all found this a lot harder than the southern cross. Some people never found it or found the wrong thing. 


Finally he asked us find Scorpia which in some our cases was already found easily because its S stood out.  


Interestingly enough, Jeff then changed the projector again this time to a summer’s night and showed us some summer constellations.


We learnt about Orion, which is a man with a belt holding a scabbard for his sword. His belt is part of the saucepan. He wears a skirt while holding a shield covered in his insignia which is a wolf’s head. Jeff told us that to find this man in amongst the stars you need to look for the two shoulder stars which are very bright and easy to spot.


He then explained that around 50,000 years ago the Aboriginal People invented a constellation called the Emu. It is easily seen because its body has no stars in it so there is a clear space. Its legs are quite fat but otherwise it is immensely perfect.


A few more interesting facts we learnt:


• the Earth fits over I million times into the sun
• There a stars that are increasing then decreasing then increasing even more than the time before in size and this means that they are going to explode in the next few million years
• Some stars can fit over sixty four million suns into them
• Orion is known for his belt


This incursion was an exceptional learning experience for Year 4 and has opened our eyes to a galaxy of endless learning. I certainly learnt a lot and had a great time.



Friday, May 13, 2016


      Maritime Museum -By Oscar Deman

Last Friday year 4 on the 6th of May went to the Maritime museum to begin our topic on Australian explorers. We left schools at nine fifteen and travelled there by bus.

When we arrived there we all quickly had a small lunch break. Once we had all finished our lunch we were divided up into 4 groups my tour guide was a lady called Zena.

First we went into the museum. Zena told us about how the king of Holland wanted spices,silver and gold. He wanted the spices because someone told home that's if you put spices on your food it wouldn't go stale as quickly. So he sent out a man called William Janz to go look for those things. One day he set out on a small boat hoping to find some land then all of a sudden he collided with Western Australia. Of course he had know idea what it was called so he decided to call it New Holland. Next he got out of the boat and went ashore, he had a look around but he didn't see any buildings or civilization. What he did see was the aboriginals but they seemed to be walking away. There was no spices, no silver and no gold so William Janz went on his merry way back to Holland.

Next Zena told us about Indigenous people. She showed us a canoe it was so small it was barely big enough to fit me and another year 4 student. She told us that they put hard clay on the bottom of it like a tile. They used it light fires so that they could cook fish, stay warm and they could use it for light. She also told us that the aboriginals have been living on this earth for approximately 120,000 years!

One day the Macassans also known as the Indonesians were traveling and landed on one of the beaches in Australia. They didn't really see anything important but they did see lots and lots of sea cucumbers. So they got their baskets and started collecting them. While they were doing so the aboriginals were painting a picture of them.

Later the Dutch and the Portuguese had a argument about who discovered Australia. The Portuguese said they had, but they didn't have any proof but the Dutch had the drawing. But the real truth is that the Aboriginal People discovered Australia.

These are some of the main reasons why Captain Cook and 93 others went on the Endeavour. All the gentlemen wanted to discover more about Australian flora ( flowers or plants) and fauna (animals) and much more wildlife. They also wanted to see the transit of Venus across the sun so they could learn more about Astronomy and navigation. Captain Cook was sent by King George to discover the great southern land and the East Coast of Australia.

After being in the museum for an hour we were finally going on the Endeavour. First we went to the front of the ship. We saw a hole where everyone did their business. But Captain Cook did his in a bucket. There was a ugly bit of rope for toilet paper.
Then we went below the ship we first saw where everyone ate then we went into the kitchen. There was a barrel of meat drowned in salty water  to prevent it from going stale.
Next to that was a barrel of sauerkraut no one on the ship wanted to eat it. So Captain cook said only I can eat the sauerkraut that made everyone else on the ship want to eat it. The sauerkraut prevented everyone from getting scurvy.
Then we saw the cat o nine tails if someone was naughty they would get whipped nine times.

I hope anyone who has read this recount is now considering going to the Maritime museum.

THE MARITIME MUSEUM - by Isabel Deakin

The Maritime Museum
Last Friday on the 6th of May, Year 4 travelled to the Maritime Museum to begin our topic on Australian explorers. We learnt so much I especially liked learning about where the expression “ don't let the cat out of the bag” comes from.

When we arrived we were split into 4 groups. All the groups went with a guide. My group went with a man named “Al”. First we went on the Endeavour. This is the famous ship that Captain Cook used to discover Australia. However the one we went on was only a replica. They claim to have found the real Endeavour,now re-named the “ Lord Sandwich “ in Rhodes Islands,America.

My favourite thing about the Endeavour is the punishment they had. If a sailor or cabin boy was bad they were given what is known as the “cat of nine tails .” This feared punishment was a whip that at the end had nine thin, long strings coming out of the end. These strings had knots at the end. The knots tore up the skin as they lashed the victim! Sometimes the ropes even got stuck in the back! If the victim fainted or fell unconscious they waited until they woke up and kept on going. They then rubbed salt in the wounds! This was painful but it did help the wounds to heal.

The toilets were a hole up the front of the ship that dropped down into the ocean. When they had finished doing their business they used a fraying rope as toilet paper! The captains and officers used a bucket. Cabin boys often used a small green bucket.

The Dutch came to Australia quite by accident they bumped into it on their search for silver,gold and spices. The reason the Dutch were looking for spices was because all the food there had gone stale and tasteless. The Dutch wanted spices to add flavour. William Janz named Australia New Holland and went on his merry way. Then he mapped out the entire western coast, just for the sake of mapping!

Of course before the Dutch, or anyone for that matter, the main (and only) inhabitants of Australia were the indigenous people. They were very clever at surviving back then. They made canoes out of bark then made sort of a tile out of clay. Then they lit a fire on top of the tile to cook the fish they caught and keep them warm.

Another country that came ( but didn't even think of settling ) were the Indonesian, Macassans. They came for 1 reason and 1 reason only, sea slugs! They caught and sold them to the Chinese. The Chinese saw them as rare delicacies! They also taught the Indigenous how to make sails.

Captain Cook was never actually promoted to the rank of captain. He was just called “ Captain” Cook because he was at the highest rank on the Endeavour. Captain Cook came to Australia for 2 purposes. 1 was to find the “ Great South Land). He also had scientists on board so purpose 2 was to watch the great “ Transit of Venus” across the sun. This would help science,navigation,mapping and astronomy greatly. While Captain Cook was there he also mapped out the entire east coast of Australia.

Did you know that the cook of the Endeavour had only one arm? If the fire got out of control the whole ship would have burnt down! There were only boys on the Endeavour, Girls were believed to be bad luck on boats! Basically all of our history on the indigenous people comes for their art! The cook of the Endeavour would feed the officers pickled,boiled,salted cabbage when the sailors and cabin boys saw this they wanted some. That's how the cook kept anyone from getting scurvy!

My favourite part was the cat of nine tails. I think the whole thing had been an excellent adventure and a really fun way to start off the topic for this term. I can't wait to learn more on this topic and I hope I have convinced anyone who reads this to go to the Maritime Museum!